Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 3 - Friday, July 25, 2008

Ultrasound Field Trip, the Power of a Shower, and Breakin' the Law

Start of week 23

First thing this morning I got transported by stretcher down to ultrasound. Got right in a babies looked good with good heartbeats. It is starting to look real crowded in there, but they are still able to move around a lot. My cervical length did not look much different to me, but the funnelling seemed to have reduced some. Will find out more once the dr. looks at. Getting back to my room was a bit of a different story. I waited and waited for the transport people. Evidently, there were a lot of people needing to be moved around the hospital. Funny thing was, I didn't mind so much. It was nice to have a change of scenery. As soon as I got back to my room the nurse gave me my first steroid shot. ouch! Dr. Hendricks did rounds in the afternoon and said my cervix looked a little longer and the funneling had reduced some. But it was still early and I should plan on staying here quite awhile, if not for the rest of the pregnancy. Kinda good news. Still saying to myself, "It's best for the babies".

Never underestimate the power of a shower. After lying here for the past two and a half days, I finally decided I should bathe. The nurse helped me get some soap and hair products. (Still working on getting the necessities from home.) Wow! What a difference clean hair and clothes can make. I did not realize how cruddy I felt because of that.

My friends Tesa and Janelle visited this morning. They work at Bronson, so they came over in their scrubs while it was slow in their area. Then tonight when Bill came to visit after work, he broke the law and brought Mimi! They only stayed a couple of hours, and Mimi got dog hair all over my bed. (Despite our best efforts to contain it.) She just laid with me the whole time she was here. Didn't make a peep in the room or traveling through the hospital in her airline bag. The nurse saw her in the room, hopefully she doesn't turn us in! I was so happy to see her stupid little face, even though it was for just a short time. Also, today I received a beautiful basket of flowers from Bill's schoolmates. He made such wonderful connections with people in nursing school.

Our first goal is to get to 24 weeks, next Friday!

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