Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 19 - Sunday, August 10, 2008

Only 19 days to 28 weeks! And I have been here 19 days already! It seems like the time is going fast. Maybe because I take so many naps. I get tired after taking a shower! Cooking these babies takes a lot of energy! The babies do kick quite a bit. It is almost to the point where you can see them kicking. Once in a while you can see lump in my belly that is one of the babies.

Bill went home to check on our cat, Benjamin, and to go back to Ikea to buy a chest of drawers that matches the nursery. He even put the drawers together before coming back to the hospital! Everything from Ikea comes in pieces and needs to be put together. The pieces are solid wood, not particle board, and very reasonably priced. Better quality than what you can find at most big box stores.

While Bill was gone I napped and worked on this blog. I have been writing in my journal about each day, but have been behind on updating the blog. Hopefully, I can keep it updated so all of you will have the latest information.

Tomorrow is another ultrasound, so hopefully it will be as uneventful as the last several have been.

Thanks to everyone for your supportive thoughts and prayers!

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