In the middle of the glucose test they wheel me down to ultrasound. They do another biophysical profile (BPP) of all the babies. They are wiggling all over. I wonder if that has anything to do with the orange drink I had? All three babies score 6 out of 8 points again. Still no signs of breathing yet, but it is still early. My cervix looked ok, seems to change a lot. It opens and closes randomly, but still keeps at least 1.5 cm closed at all times. Dr. Austin called it a dynamic cervix and said, "that's why you're here." It is still ok and hasn't changed much since I have been here, which is good.
Bill left after the ultrasound to take care of some things at home and play with Mimi. I was finally able to order breakfast. Then before I could eat it, the housekeepers asked if I would like to move to a bigger room? It didn't make much difference to me, since I spend all my time in bed. But, I thought maybe it would be nicer for Bill and when I have visitors. So, sure! Then three of the housekeepers proceeded to move all of my stuff. Unfortunately, they started with my breakfast table! I still have to wait to eat. Then once all my stuff was moved, they unhooked my bed and wheeled me down the hall in it. The new room was a lot bigger and it had a recliner, too! I wasn't sure if I liked it. It was a sudden change and I couldn't get everything settled in. Once Bill returned later and put stuff away, I felt better about the change. He liked the bigger room right away, said he could move around a lot more and there was a recliner. I was just used to the other room and the sudden change wasn't expected. I will get used to this room, too.
Over the past several days Bill has also been bringing in totes of baby clothes to show me. He works with a woman at Oaklawn, Nicole, that had triplets last December. She keeps giving him boxes and boxes full of clothes, and doesn't want anything for them! We are so thankful to Nicole. We did get her a Target gift card, even though she kept insisting she didn't want anything. Nicole had three girls, so there are lots of pink clothes! Maybe Wyatt would look good in pink? Bill says no! There are several pieces that a boy could wear, too. I think we have ended up with seven big totes of clothes from preemie to nine months. I don't think we will need to buy much more. Now we have to figure out how to store it all. Not a bad problem to have. Bill brings up one tote at a time and shows me all the beautiful clothes. I am so lucky to have him, he has been doing a lot lately to get the nursery ready.
Bill's other favorite thing to do is take pictures of my belly. Here is one from early this morning, when I first got out of bed. Nice hair, I know!
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