Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 2 - Figuring out the routine - 7/24/2008

Sadly, I woke up still in the hospital and not in my own bed. I kept telling myself, "It's for the babies!". While still having a hard time dealing with this, I needed to understand what the plan was. The only problem was my shortened cervix, so I was put on medication to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. Which would reduce some of the pressure on the cervix. Also put on medication to reduce/prevent contractions. (Even though I am not having any.) The nurses have two shifts; and each shift checks my vitals, listens to the babies heart beats on a doppler, and puts me on a contractions monitor for 30 minutes. Babies all sound good! Sometimes it is a little difficult to find their heartbeats, they squirm around a lot. Today, Dr. Hendricks said to plan on being here at least a few weeks. Also, that ultrasounds would be done at least a couple times per week. Next ultrasound would be Friday. Since Friday is also the start of week 23, she ordered a series of steroid shots that will help the babies lungs develop. Enough about the care plan!

Sonia and her friend Mindi came to visit this afternoon. Brought a beautiful bouquet of gladiolas. (or as Bill likes to call them gladdy-I-know-yas) It was nice to have visitors, since Bill was working a 12 hour shift at Oaklawn. Bill did visit after his shift and we had dinner. I practically forgot it was his birthday. I did what I could, sent him an e-card and ordered a birthday brownie from room service. Unfortunately he had to work Friday morning, so Bill could not stay long. It still made my day that he came.

It's been difficult to sleep due to my aching back, which isn't anything new. Because I have to lay down all the time, it never really goes away. Also, I get woke up every few hours for medication. Woo Hoo this is fun!! Hopefully, this will get easier.

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